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Safety Rails, Electric Gates and Roofs

Home / Safety Rails, Electric Gates and Roofs

Your safety is important to you? Electric gates and railings Barak metal – advanced building solutions
Imagine you had to go up or down a few dozen steps, and you can hold on to the railing. Would you dare to go down? What is the level of fear you would feel? It is likely that only the very thought made you feel a little giddy. Therefore, one can easily understand why you should install railings everywhere – to help us feel more stable, ease our way up and down stairs and in general, feel safe.

Barak metal Ashkelon Ltd. is one of the leading metal works and provides a range of solutions for industrial construction. Among her you will find railings, gates and many more products that will keep you safe.

Safety comes first
Through the guardrail will prevent potential damage and injuries, and also boost your confidence. For example, you can install a guard rail at the entrance to the school to prevent young students to run at once the road.

Also, you can install it on the edge of a bridge on which the daily driving many cars to prevent them “surf” travel route, so you can significantly reduce your chances of injury to passengers deviated from its course. Rail flexible enough to stop the vehicle that hits it, the driver can fix the trip and get back on track or you can stop safely at the roadside.

Electric gates – for peace of mind
To feel safe in our home, usually have to install electric gates, that they too, like rails, increase the sense of security. These gates blocking the entry of unwanted guests, and beyond that they keep you on a regular parking space, they also allow you to keep your property and your life. Undoubtedly, this is the most effective solution that can help you feel more calm and relaxed.
You are invited to see the breadth of products displayed in our gallery.

For more information – contact us today and we will be happy to assist you!